Conversion of BMW S62 Ignition Coils to E46 M3 Pencil Ignition Coils


Conversion of BMW S62 Ignition Coils to E46 M3 Pencil Ignition Coils
Trade your gratuitously heavy S62 ignition coils and coil covers for E46 M3 pencil ignition coils using our modified valve covers and custom ignition harness.  We machine the stock valve covers to accept our billet aluminum plates that hold E46 M3 pencil coils and modify the stock ignition harness with autosport quality wiring (M22759/43) and sheathing (DR-25) and genuine BMW ignition coil connectors.  In addition to being infinitely cleaner and cooler in appearance than the stock ignition coils and covers, this conversion allows one to chance spark plugs and coils in a few minutes rather than a few hours.  Includes eight (8) E46 M3 ignition coils.

Available at our Danville, VA Headquarters ONLY
Appointment must be booked one week in advance.